Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Everyday Events

Everyday Events

Hello!   I’m Jill, the newest Scrapstreet staff member and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work so many amazing writers and designers.  Honestly, I’m still a little flabbergasted to be part of all of the fun here!!  But here I am ~ and here is my first blog post!!

Photos are essential to anyone who scrapbooks and I am always excited to be able to attend a special event or celebration or take a trip (be it a day trip or a “real vacation”) so I can snap photos for future scrapbook pages!  I have created hundreds of layouts capturing those special events, moments and places.  Conversely, I also scrapbook everyday events – the “things” that happen day to day, the “way” I have our home decorated for the moment, something funny that happened, what our “new” favorite dinners consist of, etc. Sometimes I include a lot of journaling on the pages, other times I just journal my thoughts.  It is my hope that one day our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will get a glimpse of what our “everyday lives” were like.

Here are a few pages I’ve created of some of my “everyday moments”:

 2 Fast
(Digital Supplies:  Kit – The Open Road by Kim Cameron, Daisies & Dimples - http://daisiesanddimples.com/blog/ - Software:  Corel PSP X2 – Font:  Pea Missy Cursive)

{Journaling reads: I picked up my new Audi on August 29.  Exactly one week later I got a speeding ticket!!  I was at the East edge of Warren on Stagecoach Trail.  Glenda, Michelle and JoAnne and I had spent a few hours at the Mystic in Dubuque.  We had a great time at the casino, and were deep in conversation as I drove through town.  I was just about "out of town" when I saw the police car tucked back behind some bushes ... he spotted me before I spotted him ... it was too late!  58 in a 30 MPH speed zone!  Yikes!  I tried to explain to the officer that I wasn't used to the vehicle and us girls were busy gabbing and that I hadn't had a ticket in over 25 years.  He wasn't interested in any of that!  $140 ticket and the "opportunity" to attend driving school plus go one hundred eighty days without another moving violation!!  You know it is a bad day when you lose more money on the way home FROM the casino than you did while AT the casino!}

(Digital Supplies:  Kits –Wish Upon a Star, Angel Whispers, Vintage Vineyard by Nicole Young, Digital Scrapbook Place http://blog.dsp.me/

Software:  Corel PSP X2 – Font:  Microsoft Yi Baiti)

{Journaling reads: Yesterday when my phone rang, I instinctively glanced at it to see who was calling and the caller ID read "Oakley Courts" ... my heart skipped a beat when I read those words and my first thought was "Oh no!  What has happened to mom".  But in the blink of an eye I was brought back to the present time - mom is no longer with us ... Oakley Courts wouldn't be calling about her! It was the

Director of nursing calling to ask me a question and we chatted awhile ... but my heart was a little heavy when I hung up the phone. Oakley Courts was a special place for mom, she was so grateful to be able to live there the last months of her life ... Funny how seeing those two little words jolted me for a split second ... and how easily memories of mom come pouring back ... }

(Digital Supplies:  Kits –Everyday Whimsy by Erica Belton, Digital Scrapbook Place http://blog.dsp.me/

Software:  Corel PSP X2 – Font:  Pea Marcie’s Skinny Font)

{Journaling reads:  April 23, 2011 * It is cold out again today.  I was looking through photos this afternoon and found these pictures from last year – it has been such a long winter that I wonder if “SPRING” will ever get here!}

Be sure to check out the Winter Scrapstreet Calls 
The Daily Drive magazine fixture will feature calls about YOUR daily lives ... Here's the current call:
Rise and Shine! Do you have a morning routine that you (or your family) do every morning? Do you start the morning coffee, make your children breakfast and then take your furry friend outside for a quick walk? Perhaps you hit that snooze alarm two times before prying yourself out of the bed or do you wake up wide awake, singing praises to the day? Please share layouts reflecting your morning routine with us!


MissaBoo said...

Congratulations, Jill! Your first post is great! WTG!

sandygb said...

WTG Jill!!! Love your first article, and I always love seeing your beautiful layouts!

Anonymous said...

these are just stunning Jill!

kitsNbits said...

awesome layouts!!