Sunday, December 4, 2011

Scrapping the Season

I am not sure about your neck of the woods, but where I live, the weather has been wonky.  We had snow in October and 60 degree days this past week!  That leaves me scrapping last year's December's photos!  I found these cute shots of my son and spent a few seconds wondering why I took them.  Then I remembered how funny I thought it was that he would not roll up the brim of his hat.  Since it was a size too large, it would hang over his eyes.  He would have to lift his head to see.  I happened to get that on film. 

It is one of the cute, yet not-really important moments I needed to capture.  Because their childhood is filled with them.  My life contains a billion of those times, those little stories I might forget in a week.  Except that now I will be able to look back and remember.

To create the layout, I added bits and pieces throughout, focusing on the chipboard elements.  I love to used mixed fonts and colors for my title work.  Creating the banner gives in a bit of a curve.

I used the yummy Peppermint collection from Crate Paper...perfect for those winter days.  Hopefully, I will get some of those THIS year!



kitsNbits said...

stacey love the colors and the pictures - great layout