Saturday, November 26, 2011

Playing with screens

This month, I had a blast playing with screens. They look so pretty in the background! For my first layout, I used a tree screen and mists (Dark Denim, Sun Sisters) and chalkboard mist (Cherry Cola) for my background. I think these colors together on the kraft cardstock looks amazing!

Need a fun button for your project? Simply spray some mist on cardstock, and use the Button Studio Round 20 Tool to create a funky button like I did. I love Epiphany Crafts' buttons!

For my next project, I decided to use my screen like a stamp. I soaked the Slate mist on the screen and then flipped it onto the cardstock. I think it adds to the vintage feel of this layout! I just love this one. As you can see, misting doesn't need to be complicated! It can be as simple as just spraying your screens and stamping them onto your projects. You don't need very much mist to make your layouts shine!

Here is an old layout of mine that I just love...I love using mist and screens to create my own unique background! I used glimmer mist (Slate, Burnt Red and Sunsisters).

And for my last layout, I used the Iron Works, Glimmer Screen and Chalkboard mist (Teal High Heel) and Glimmer mist (Tuscan Sun).

I hope you've enjoyed your visit and please come back!