Sunday, November 27, 2011

Holiday Time, Already!

It seems to me that time flies faster and faster with each passing year, and here it is, holiday season already!  Every year I vow I won't go all out in decorating our home for Christmas.  But it is just too difficult to figure out what to put out as I pull out box after box from our storage room!  So, like usual, our home is brimming from top to bottom with lots of seasonal decorations!  

A few years ago I decided to start taking photos of the different items throughout the house. I then create a digital scrapbook page with some of the photos. It is always fun to look back at the layouts to see just what sort of creative juices I had in past years while decorating for the holidays!

I hope these layouts have been an inspiration to you!!  Wishing you and your family happy holiday decorating!!


  1. I love this idea of taking photos of the stuff inside the home, and make a layout with it. I think I might even "steel" that idea from you Jill :) Beautiful photos, beautiful things and beautiful layouts. :)

  2. I love this idea, thank you, I will get started on my christmas page
