Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy New-vember to you!

Here I am blogging in the new month while answering the door to the cutest goblins and ghouls.  I love the photo opportunities that Halloween bring.  Facebook was just a treasure trove of great shots all day!

Our November mini mag is ready to inspire you as you sort through your holiday shots tomorrow morning.  Look at that gorgeous cover layout by Jennie Moll.  We love the way she wished herself into a cover girl.

This month we have a beautiful free kit from one of my personal favorite scrappers and designers.  I fell in love with the way Jen mixes colors before she started digital designing.  She has an absolute command of how hues work together.  Thanks for years of inspiration, Jen!  You can see more of her amazing creations in our issue and on her blog 6 Guys & a Gal.  Head over to see more and please remember to shout out thank you for her generous gift to all of us.

Downloads:             {one}  {two}  {three}
Please respect this generous gift and do not upload/share this kit.  Friends are welcome to download it here for the next month.  Thank you!

Last Call!
We are in our final days as a magazine.  Send your favorite layout in by November 10th and you could be a part of our farewell.   Please send your work to


  1. Thank you very much for sharing your neat kit!

  2. Super cute kit! I've got tons of my daugher's soccer photos just waiting for this kit! Thanks so much!

  3. Thanx for sharing... nice colours!

  4. Lovely colors and a change from leaves! Thanks

  5. thank you so much! I love the clean lines and fresh look of this kit. And I too have soccer photos that I can use this for now. again thanks for sharing!
